Physics 2

Unit 1: Magnetism and alternating current
Chapter 1: The Magnetic Field
Chapter 2: The effect of the magnetic field on moving charges and electric currents
Chapter 3: The magnetic field of an electric current
Chapter 4: Magnetic force between currents
Chapter 5: Electromagnetic induction
Chapter 6: Alternating Current

Unit 2: Waves
Chapter 1: Basic concepts
Chapter 2: Mathematical description of waves
Chapter 3: Sound waves
Chapter 4: Reflection and transmission of waves
Chapter 5: Standing Wave
Chapter 6: Struggle and circumvention

Unit 3: Light and optics
Chapter 1: Light waves
Chapter 2: Geometrical optics
Chapter 3: Optical Instruments
Chapter 4: Physical optics

Unit 4: Atoms and molecules
Chapter 1: The structure of matter
Chapter 2: The kinetic theory of gases
Chapter 3: Matter and electricity – the laws of electrolysis
Chapter 4: Discovering the building blocks of the atom

Unit 5: Modern physics: relativity, quantum mechanics and the structure of the atom
Chapter 1: Classical physics and modern physics
Chapter 2: Limited Relativity
Chapter 3: The photon model and the duality of light
Chapter 4: Bohr Model
Chapter 5: Multi-Electron Atoms and the Periodic Table
Chapter 6: Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 7: The energy levels of the electrons in the atom according to quantum mechanics, and the discovery of spin

Unit 6: The physics of the nucleus and elementary particles
Chapter 1: The structure of the nucleus
Chapter 2: Nuclear forces and the nuclear bond energy
Chapter 3: Models of the nucleus
Chapter 4: Radioactivity
Chapter 5: Fission and fusion of nuclei
Chapter 6: Elementary particles

Chapter 1: Maor conversion puzzle
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Connection of velocities in Newtonian mechanics
1.3 The formula for connecting the velocities to waves□
1.4 The nature of light
1.5 Michelson-Morley experiment
1.6 Einstein’s solution
1.7 Inertial systems
Chapter 2: The basic assumptions of the theory of special relativity
2.1 Two basic assumptions
2.2 Extension of time
2.3 The twin paradox
2.4 Length contraction
2.5 Simultaneity and the order of occurrence of events
Chapter 3: Lorentz transformation
3.1 Lorentz transformation equations
3.2 Uses of the Lorentz transformation
3.3 Connecting speeds
3.4 More on causality
3.5 Doppler effect in relativity
3.6 Movement at variable speed
Chapter 4: Momentum and energy in special relativity
4.1 Mass and momentum in two reference systems
4.2 Relative kinetic energy
4.3 The equivalence of energy and mass

4.4 The law of conservation of energy-mass
4.5 The relationship between momentum and total relative energy
4.6 Momentum and energy of photons
Chapter 5: The Lorenz Reserves and the Four-Mari Space
5.1 Lorentz invariant or conserved quantities
5.2 The four-dimensional space
5.3 The transformation of momentum and energy
5.4 The electric charge does not depend on the speed
Chapter 6: Something about general relativity
6.1 The principle of equivalence
6.2 The effect of gravity on light
6.3 The curvature of space
6.4 Black holes
6.5 The lengthening of time under the influence of gravity
6.6 Additional Forecasts
6.7 Evolution of the universe